Book Review “Destroy all cars“

Die Klasse 9cd erstellte im Rahmen des Unterrichts englische Buchrezensionen über die im Unterricht gelesene Lektüre. Eine der Buchrezensionen findet man hier:

The book “Destroy all cars“ is about a seventeen-year-old boy called James Hoff. He wants to save the world and destroy all cars. James and Sadie broke up but they never stopped loving each other. The reason for the end of their relationship was that they cared for different things. Both wanted to save nature or the world but in different ways with different ideas. But while they had a pause, Sadie was together with Will Greer.
Then James and Sadie started dating what they have never done before, and they became a couple again. Does the relationship hold on or will they break up again? At first, it looked good for them and they had their first sex together, but after a time it seemed like Sadie started to think that the relationship has some issues.
James always thinks a lot and he starts to do something against the destruction of the world by collecting signatures for the pond. In that time Sadie also wants to care for the planet and so she tries to save the whales and organizes canned food drives for the hungry people.
To put it in a nutshell, we think the book is interesting because it’s well written for our age and easy to understand and it isn’t a typical kind of book.
by Laura L. and Annika V.

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