Deutsch-indische Brieffreundschaft

Eine deutsch-indische Brieffreundschaft (Klasse 6b)


Nach den letzten Sommerferien, am Anfang der 6. Klasse, haben alle Schüler unserer Klasse (6b) indische Brieffreunde bekommen. Unsere neue Partnerschule ist die Mahabodhi Residential School in Ladakh im Norden von Indien, die Frau Lubeley kennt. Es ist ein Internat, in dem unsere Brieffreunde leben und zur Schule gehen. Die Schule ist umgeben von hohen Bergen, denn sie liegt im Himalaya, in einer Höhe von mehr als 3500m. Im Sommer ist es dort sehr heiß und im Winter extrem kalt.


Unsere Brieffreunde sind besonders, denn sie sind alle buddhistische Mönche oder Nonnen und leben ganz anders als wir hier in Deutschland. Sie sprechen Hindi und Englisch, die Amtssprache in Indien. Die meisten können Englisch schon besser als wir, so dass wir nicht alle Wörter in den Briefen immer gleich verstehen, aber wir helfen uns gegenseitig oder fragen Frau Lubeley. Ungefähr alle 2 Monate haben wir in diesem Schuljahr Post aus Indien bekommen: einen großen Briefumschlag mit allen Briefen unserer Brieffreunde, die immer sehr schön und bunt bemalt waren, besonders die Mädchenbriefe, manchmal waren auch Fotos dabei. Wir haben einiges über Indien und das Leben unserer Brieffreunde im Norden des Landes erfahren. Jetzt wissen wir zum Beispiel, dass man sich in Ladakh mit „Julley“ begrüßt. Leider haben sie nicht immer auf alle unsere Fragen geantwortet oder auch mal dieselben Fragen gestellt. Trotzdem war es sehr spannend.


Klasse 6b (Frau Lubeley)


About our Indian penfriends


My penfriend’s name is Lokamitta. He’s from Ladakh, the name of his village (region) is Zanskar, that’s in the North of India. His favourite hobbies are playing football and reading books. He’s a monk and has been a monk about 6 years and 7 months. Lokamitta is now 13 years old. His favourite sport is playing football. Lokamitta’s favourite game is UNO, this game taught him Mrs. Lubeley. She taught him English too. He was very happy to get a penfriend. By the way, Ladakh is near the Himalaya, the roof of the world.


Valentin Geier, 6b



My penfriend is Sunanda. She is about 15 years old and lives in India. She is in form 9. In her class are 35 pupils. Her favourite book is the dhamma book (a book about Buddhism). Her hobbies are playing handball and badminton. This is her day: For instance she starts her days at five in the morning with what she calls Puja, which means teachings of the Buddha, together with meditation. After that she is getting ready to start school at 9:30. School finishes at 4:20 pm. After school she has tea break until 5 o’clock.

Laura Dziehel, 6b

My penfriend lives in India. His name is Bodidhamma and he is Buddhist and very nice. Bodidhamma is going to be a yoga and meditation teacher. He lives in Nubra and he came there (to Mahabodhi) six years and 9 months ago. He likes cricket, watches soccer and reads “magazine”, he wrote. I think he is a nice boy.

Fabian Grüner, 6b

My penfriend’s name is Sumana and she is from Ladakh. In her class there are 29 students. Her favorite subjects are English and Hindi. Hindi is their national language. She likes handball and badminton and she reads the dhamma book. In Ladakh it is summer season now and there are lots of visitors from all over the world.

Katharina Zentgraf, 6b

My pen friend’s name is Vimalacitta. He’s in the Mahabodhi residential school. His hobbies are watching TV, football and reading books. He likes our class photo. And he said the English lessons are very much fun. His favourite game is UNO. He asked me what my favourite subjects are.

Hendrik Vaupel, 6b

My pen friend’s name is Sujata. Her favourite singer is Hannah Montana. Her favourite games is UNO and she likes painting. Her special subject is meditation.

Mayla Autzen, 6b

My friend Dhammayoti is 14 years old. He lives in Mahabodhi and he studies in 6th standard (in India they don’t say ‘form’ or ‘class’). His favourite hobbies are playing football and playing cricket. He also likes volleyball and playing UNO. In his free time he likes watching TV or reading books.

Finn Prautsch, 6b

My penfriend is Padumacitta. She is in class 8 and there are 35 students in her class. Her subjects are: Science, Hindi, Tibetan, Maths, English, History, Dhamma, Computer and Library. Her favourite subjects are English, Hindi and science. Her hobbies are reading story books and playing with friends.

Tabea Fritz, 6b

My penfriend’s name is Dhammananda. His hobbies are reading books. He lives in the Mahabodhi residential school in Devachan, Ladakh, Himalaya. His favourite game is Indiaka. Dhammanada is 13 years old. India is a big country. It is much bigger than Germany.

Leon Muth, 6b

Photos der Klasse 6b: Ankunft der Briefe aus Indien

1 Post aus Indien für die Mädchen

2 Verteilen der Briefe

3 Lesen der Briefe

4 Lesen der Briefe

5 Lesen der Briefe

6 Post aus Indien für die Jungen

7 Verteilen der Briefe

8 Lesen der Briefe

9 Lesen der Briefe


Photos der indischen Brieffreunde

10 Ankunft der Post aus Marburg in Indien (Mönche)

11 Lesen der Briefe

12 Indische Brieffreunde – ältere Mönche

13 Indische Brieffreunde – jüngere Mönche

14 Englische Konversation

15 Training Englische Debatte

16 Beim UNO-Spielen

17 Indische Brieffreunde – Nonnen

18 Nonnen beim Spielen

19 Mahabodhi Wohngebäude (links) und Schule (rechts)

20 Himalaya, Ladakh, Indien